9th form.

Theme:                      There is no time to spare...  Do your share!

Objectives:          Practical aim:  

                             - to revise and enrich students vocabulary on the topic;

                            - to improve students listening, reading, speaking skills;

                            - to train students habits in group work;

                             Development aim:

                               -to develop creative thinking and mutual respect;

                              - to enhance students cognitive abilities and memory.

                            Cultural aim:     

                              - to develop students interest in ecological problems.

Type of the lesson: combined

Equipment: hand-outs, tape-recorder.        



Teacher: - Dear students! Today we shall devote our lesson to our greatest treasure our planet Earth. What do you know about Earth? EARTH is one of the planets in our solar system. It is third in distance from the sun and the fifth largest in diameter. Earth moves around the sun in a circular type path. It is the only planet known to support life, although some of the other planets have atmospheres and contain water. EARTH consists of five parts: the first, the atmosphere is gaseous, the second, the hydrosphere is liquid, the third, fourth, and fifth, the lithosphere, mantle, and core is largely solid.

But it is well-known that EARTH is in danger, with so many people using so much, we could use up our natural resources in a very short time.

Not only do all living things depend on our natural resources, but each living thing in the food chain depends on the other to survive. That's why it is important that we take care of our planet and everything in it! We call that "ecology". What is ecology? The word "ecology" comes from the Greek word meaning "house".

Teacher: Your have already learnt some eco vocabulary. Lets refresh in our memories some of the widely used words about ecology. Please, say after the announcer, mind your pronunciation:

Ecology, conservation, recycling, chemicals, endangered species, valuable.

Main part

1. And now your task is: using the words youve just heard, fill in the blank for each sentence using the correct vocabulary term.

1. An __________________ is a plant or animal that is having trouble living in a certain place and all of them may die soon.

2. When you save trash that can be reused to create something new, you are _____________.

3. A resource that is worth a lot is ____________.

4. The way the earth works with creatures and plants is called _____________.

5. _________________is not wasting valuable things.

6. Dangerous _____________ are present in the air and water and may cause plants and animals to die.

2. Reading.

What predictions can you make about future? Do you think future will be better than today? Read the paragraphs and match them with the headings below.

1. The Effects of Overpopulation

2. Energy Revolution

3. High Technology

4. Changes on Earth


A. .........................................................................

Since life first appeared on the Earth four billion years ago, there have been tremendous

changes. Ice ages have come and gone and volcanoes have erupted. Earthquakes have

shattered ancient mountains and changed the course of rivers. Some species have been

displaced by others which are more favored by new environments. Nowadays scientists are studying the changes which are likely to take place in 50 years time.

B. .........................................................................

A rapidly increasing population is one of the causes of social and environmental problems. The population growth brings the problem of consumption. If we cannot feed 6 billion people today, how will we satisfy the needs of 8 billion people or more by 2030? Global food shortages will become much more serious than today, leading to poverty.

C. .........................................................................

Renewable energy technologies are now ready to be used and will meet the worlds energy demand by 2030. We will find new energy sources like wind and solar power that wont pollute and will never run out. They are also less expensive compared to other sources of energy.

D. .........................................................................

Wireless technology will be everywhere. There will be no wires on and behind your desk. Well be able to control people around us with a tiny microchip and through the access to the Internet. Here are some more predictions about the future:

- Electric currents applied to the soil will make valuable plants grow larger and faster.

- There will be no street cars in our large cities. All traffic will be below or high above the ground.

- People will be able to see the bus coming closer to their stop by means of a web-site.

3. Act out the dialogue:

Interviewer: Today, I'm interviewing fourteen-year-old Alex about her feelings on how people can help save the environment. So, Alex, how can we save the environment?

Alex: By saving water.

Interviewer: Well, how can we do that?

Alex: By not using too much water when we wash dishes, take a bath, and when we do other things, like watering the plants outside.

Interviewer: Oh, I think I can do that. What else?

Alex: When drinking or eating something outside, you should keep the garbage until you find a trashcan to put it in because littering makes our planet dirty. Do you like seeing trash all over the ground?

Interviewer: No, I don't. Do you have any final suggestions?

Alex: Yes. We shouldn't waste paper because trees are being cut down to make the paper. By recycling paper, we save the forests where animals live.

Interviewer: So, how can children recycle paper, I mean, everyday?

Alex: Well, for example, when I was in the kindergarten, I used to save the newspapers so that I could make things out of them, like paper trees, instead of just throwing them away. Now, the children in our neighborhood collect newspapers once a month to take them to a recycling center.

Interviewer: That's great. Well thanks Alex for your ideas.

4.  Do this quiz to find out how environmentally friendly you are.

1. While you are actually brushing your teeth, you

a) leave the tap running.

b) turn off the tap and turn it back on to rinse your mouth.

c) only use a glass of water.

2. When you leave the room, you

a) turn off the light.

b) leave the stereo on but turn off the light.

c) leave everything on.

3. What do you do with empty bottles?

a) Take them to the recycling bin.        

b) Return them to the market.

c) Throw them in the rubbish bin.

4. What are CFCs ?

a) Aerosols.

b) Dangerous gases that deplete the ozone layer.

c) A rock group.

5. When you buy eggs, the boxes are

a) clear plastic.

b) cardboard.

c) either a or b, but you return them to the shops.

6. When you buy something at the supermarket, you

a) take a plastic carrier bag.

b) reuse an old plastic carrier bag.

c) use your own bag.

7. When you eat a chocolate bar in class, you

a) drop the wrapper under your desk.

b) put the wrapper in the litter bin.

c) save the wrapper for recycling.

8. Which products do you keep in your bathroom?

a) Biodegradable shampoo and cosmetics.

b) Aerosols.

c) Any kind of products from the supermarket.

9. In school, you use

a) refillable pens.

b) throwaway plastic pens.

c) refillable pens and solar-powered calculators.

10. If you were asked to contribute money to a Save the Environment project, you would

a) refuse to give.

b) give generously

c) give a small amount

11. Which of the following do you use?

a) Only recycled materials.

b) Recycled materials if someone gives them to you.

c) The cheapest ones.

12. Tropical forests should be

a) cut down so that we can profit from natural resources.

b) protected because they are beautiful.

c) protected because they produce oxygen.

Now learn about your green profile by adding up your score.

Quiz Answers




















































31-36 You are not only green but also forest green. Keep up the good work!

26-30 Your heart is green but your actions arent always as efficient as they need to be to save the planet.

20-25 You are pale green. There is some room for improvement. Change your habits and you will soon be green.

0-20 You must be allergic to the color green. Thank, to you, maybe there wont be any green in the future. Wise up.

5. Speaking. What do you do to save the Earth? Here you will read how to use only what you need!

*Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

*Conserve energy and water        

*Care for the air

*Make it a habit to care about our habitats

*Give a hoot and don't pollute

*It's a breeze to save trees

*Dont waste paper

*Use the trashcan to put the garbage in it

* Help the endangered animals

* Become environmentally friendly

Summing up

There are so many things we can do to save our Earth, land and sea, which in turn will save all our plants, animals and even save us! I hope you enjoyed our lesson a lot. You have learnt a lot of interesting and useful information. Your marks are ….

And your homework for the next lesson will be to write a composition “The Ways to Save Our Planet Earth”.

Home assignment:

Write a composition on the subject “ The ways to save our planet Earth”.


  1. Total English Intermediate. Students book.
  2. http://egitek.meb.gov
  3. www.esl-lab.com